
3 Fundraising Metrics Every Nonprofit Should Track

3 Fundraising Metrics Every Nonprofit Should Track Read time: 3-4 Minutes For short-term campaigns, a pretty good measure of success is: Did you meet your fundraising goal? But what about tracking whether your overall fundraising approach is heading in the right direction? Let’s take the guesswork out of it! Tracking the right numbers can show you what’s moving the needle—and what’s not. In this issue of Changemaker Mondays ☀️ ☕ 🌍, we’re breaking down 3 simple but powerful fundraising metrics…

20% of Nonprofit Content = 80% of Results

The 80/20 Rule for Nonprofit Content Creation Read time: 3-4 Minutes Ever notice how some of your content gets great engagement, while other efforts just… fall flat? I’ve been there. 🙋♀️ Youv’e probably heard of the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle. It’s the idea that 80% of your results often come from just 20% of your efforts. For nonprofit leaders, understanding this can help you figure out what content is really resonating with your audience – what’s most likely to inspire…

Land Your First Nonprofit Grant in 3 Steps

Landing Your First Nonprofit Grant Read time: 3-4 Minutes I still remember my organization’s first grant, years ago. We got lucky with a $5,000 grant from a family foundation that saw our potential – and our passion. We were able to build on that momentum and grow from there. You always remember your first. 😁 Grants can be a game-changer for nonprofits, but trying to land your first one? That can feel daunting. If you’ve ever wondered — where do you even start? Or, what are funders really…

It’s Grant deadline season. 😅 How to find Grants that fit your Nonprofit.

It’s Grant deadline season. 😅 How to find Grants that fit your Nonprofit.

It’s Grant deadline season. Here are some tips to find grants that fit your Nonprofit Read time: 4 MinutesSponsored by my friends at Instrumentl Grants are one way nonprofits can raise funds to make an impact, but getting grants is easier said than done. One way to boost your odds of success? Making sure a grant is the right fit for your organization in the first place. In honor of peak Grants season 📅, we’re going to cover tips for finding grants that fit your nonprofit’s needs in this issue…

What actually leads to big, sustainable Social Change?

What actually leads to big, sustainable Social Change?

What actually leads to big,sustainable Social Change? Read time: 5 Minutes We grow up with stories of people at the forefront of changing the world. We learn about these people in our classroom, in our books, and in the media. They seem larger than life. But the truth is, they started out as relatively normal people – like you or me. And the other truth is, they didn’t create social change on their own. We may not see the other people, organizations, or shifting systems at play in the stories…

Why Do People Donate? How Donor Psychology improves your fundraising

Why Do People Donate? How Donor Psychology improves your fundraising

Why Do People Donate? How Donor Psychology improves your fundraising Read time: 4 Minutes Can you remember what you were thinking or feeling the last time you donated to a cause? I’d wager most of us don’t think about it much in the moment. But under the surface, motivations and drivers are inspiring these acts of altruism. As changemakers and fundraisers, if we can better understand these motivations, we can inspire more giving. It’s just psychology! In today’s issue of Changemaker Mondays…

Is your Nonprofit impactful and healthy? 14 Metrics to Analyze

Is your Nonprofit impactful and healthy? 14 Metrics to Analyze

Is your Nonprofit impactful and healthy? 14 Metrics to Analyze Read time: 4 Minutes I’m a data person. I like to know if what I’m doing is working (or not). Data is a solid way to assess that. When I was leading the nonprofit I started, collecting data and tracking metrics was an important part of my team’s work. It provided insights into where we were crushing it, and where we needed to invest more time and resources (or, alternatively, stop doing something altogether). In today’s issue of…

9 Must-Have Skills to Lead a Thriving Nonprofit

9 Must-Have Skills to Lead a Thriving Nonprofit

9 Must-Have Skills to Leada Thriving Nonprofit Read time: 4 Minutes I’ll be the first to tell you, I had no real idea about what it was going to take to lead a successful nonprofit when I first started. Oh sure, I thought I knew. But like many, I had a glamorous view of nonprofit leadership: Getting on the ground and directly helping people in need all the time! Giving inspirational speeches! Getting all the grants to cover all of our expenses and then some, because we were sooo awesome! 😆…

Why people aren’t signing up to volunteer for your cause

Why people aren’t signing up to volunteer for your cause

Why People Aren’t Signing Up to Volunteer For Your Cause Read time: 5 Minutes In our newsletter a few weeks ago, we covered how to motivate your team to take action. But inspiring people to volunteer is special. Because what people get in return is often not anything tangible – its community. It’s purpose. It’s feeling like being part of something bigger than you. Recruiting volunteers effectively takes practice and skill. In today’s issue of Changemaker Mondays ☀️ ☕ 🌍, I want to help you get…

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