
8 places to find your future Board members

8 places to find your futureBoard members Read time: 5 Minutes Finding and recruiting skilled Board members is a challenge that plagues many nonprofits, and start-ups in particular. I’m often asked: “How do we know what types of skills we need on our Board?” “How can we showcase our awesome organization to Board candidates?” and the big one: “Where do we even LOOK for potential Board members?!” (By the way; all things we’ll be discussing in the Changemaker Accelerator membership, launching…

If I started a nonprofit (again), here’s how I’d do it differently

If I started a nonprofit (again),here’s how I’d do it differently. Read time: 5 Minutes A few years ago (as you probably know, since you’re reading this 🙂), I started a YouTube channel. My goal was simple: Help people who were starting or growing a nonprofit figure out how to do it faster, easier, and more effectively. It’s hard. I started a nonprofit in college. Over time, I figured out how to create a solid fundraising strategy, build an amazing team, and mobilize over 50,000 people in my…

How to keep those awesome Donors around

How to keep those awesomedonors around Read time: 4 Minutes There’s been a lot of talk in the fundraising world lately about giving trends. Spoiler alert: Giving has been declining over the past few years (but there are signs of a rebound – fingers crossed!). Experts and researchers are examining the reasons donors stop giving (or start), and this idea around “transformational” fundraising vs “transactional” fundraising is taking hold. We’ll cover transformational fundraising and some…

3 things successful Nonprofits do before they file their paperwork

3 things successful Nonprofits do before they file their paperwork

3 things successful Nonprofits do before they file their paperwork Read time: 3-4 Minutes Throughout my own work starting a nonprofit – and helping advise dozens of others on launching or growing nonprofits – I’ve seen a few commonalities between the organizations that thrive and those that flop. A few years in, the organizations that are thriving – making a big impact, securing funding – are the ones that did 3 things in particular before they even filed their paperwork for official…

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