Using video to promote your cause: 5 Tips
Using video to promoteyour cause: 5 Tips Read time: 4-5 Minutes Did you know? Research shows that using video is one of the most effective tools causes can use to inspire donations. It makes sense – videos feel more personal and can inspire trust. I read one study that said over half of people who watched a nonprofit video went on to donate. In this issue of Changemaker Mondays ☀️ ☕ 🌍, let’s talk through a few tips for using video to raise awareness about (or money for) your cause….
How to Find Volunteers on LinkedIn
How to Find Volunteers on LinkedIn Read time: 4-5 Minutes There are a ton of awesome places to search for and find volunteers out there. I’ll probably do an updated video sometime with the latest list of resources. I noticed a few weeks ago that LinkedIn recently updated their tools to search for volunteers and board members. So, In this issue of Changemaker Mondays ☀️ ☕ 🌍, I want to share a quick overview of how to use this resource, if you’re not already. Changemaker Mondays is brought to…
Empowering OTHER people to raise money for your cause
Empowering other peopleto raise money for your cause Read time: 5 Minutes How can you inspire other people to fundraise for your nonprofit? If you could do that, it would be like growing your fundraising team by 5, or 10, or 50. Can you imagine?! 😮 Peer to Peer fundraising can be an effective strategy for expanding the capacity of your fundraising efforts – but it won’t be successful without some key things in place. In this issue of Changemaker Mondays ☀️ ☕ 🌍, let’s go over a few tips for…
It’s December. 😮 5 Nonprofit Focus Areas to End 2024 STRONG
5 Focus Areas to End2024 STRONG Read time: 5 Minutes December is a big month for nonprofits. But with some intentionality and focus, we can make it through this busy season without feeling overwhelmed. That’s the dream, am I right? 😅 If you’re feeling frazzled, I thought it might help to focus on a few items you might consider prioritizing in the coming month. So in this issue of Changemaker Mondays ☀️ ☕ 🌍, let’s work together to turn chaos into strategy. Changemaker Mondays is brought to you…
6 Creative Ways to Showcase Your Impacts
6 Creative Ways toShowcase Your Impacts Read time: 5 Minutes Impact is our WHY. We’re all in this because we believe our work will make the world a little (or a lot) better than it was. So how can we tell the story of those impacts in a way that will grab our community’s attention? And inspire continued support? In this issue of Changemaker Mondays ☀️ ☕ 🌍, I wanted to share some creative ideas for showcasing your effort’s impacts to wow and excite your stakeholders and supporters. Changemaker…
From Strangers to Supporters: How to Inspire Donors
From Strangers to Supporters:How to Inspire Donors Read time: 5 Minutes Honest question. 🤔 When was the last time you donated after a complete stranger sent you an email or letter in the mail asking for funding for an organization you’d never heard of? I’ve talked about this in past videos, but it’s extremely rare to get donations by soliciting from strangers. (Exceptions might include: campaigns for urgent disaster relief, large-scale political campaigns, solicitations from extremely…

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