
8 places to find your future Board members

8 places to find your futureBoard members Read time: 5 Minutes Finding and recruiting skilled Board members is a challenge that plagues many nonprofits, and start-ups in particular. I’m often asked: “How do we know what types of skills we need on our Board?” “How can we showcase our awesome organization to Board candidates?” and the big one: “Where do we even LOOK for potential Board members?!” (By the way; all things we’ll be discussing in the Changemaker Accelerator membership, launching…

If I started a nonprofit (again), here’s how I’d do it differently

If I started a nonprofit (again),here’s how I’d do it differently. Read time: 5 Minutes A few years ago (as you probably know, since you’re reading this 🙂), I started a YouTube channel. My goal was simple: Help people who were starting or growing a nonprofit figure out how to do it faster, easier, and more effectively. It’s hard. I started a nonprofit in college. Over time, I figured out how to create a solid fundraising strategy, build an amazing team, and mobilize over 50,000 people in my…

How to keep those awesome Donors around

How to keep those awesomedonors around Read time: 4 Minutes There’s been a lot of talk in the fundraising world lately about giving trends. Spoiler alert: Giving has been declining over the past few years (but there are signs of a rebound – fingers crossed!). Experts and researchers are examining the reasons donors stop giving (or start), and this idea around “transformational” fundraising vs “transactional” fundraising is taking hold. We’ll cover transformational fundraising and some…

Is your Nonprofit impactful and healthy? 14 Metrics to Analyze

Is your Nonprofit impactful and healthy? 14 Metrics to Analyze

Is your Nonprofit impactful and healthy? 14 Metrics to Analyze Read time: 4 Minutes I’m a data person. I like to know if what I’m doing is working (or not). Data is a solid way to assess that. When I was leading the nonprofit I started, collecting data and tracking metrics was an important part of my team’s work. It provided insights into where we were crushing it, and where we needed to invest more time and resources (or, alternatively, stop doing something altogether). In today’s issue of…

9 Must-Have Skills to Lead a Thriving Nonprofit

9 Must-Have Skills to Lead a Thriving Nonprofit

9 Must-Have Skills to Leada Thriving Nonprofit Read time: 4 Minutes I’ll be the first to tell you, I had no real idea about what it was going to take to lead a successful nonprofit when I first started. Oh sure, I thought I knew. But like many, I had a glamorous view of nonprofit leadership: Getting on the ground and directly helping people in need all the time! Giving inspirational speeches! Getting all the grants to cover all of our expenses and then some, because we were sooo awesome! 😆…

Why people aren’t signing up to volunteer for your cause

Why people aren’t signing up to volunteer for your cause

Why People Aren’t Signing Up to Volunteer For Your Cause Read time: 5 Minutes In our newsletter a few weeks ago, we covered how to motivate your team to take action. But inspiring people to volunteer is special. Because what people get in return is often not anything tangible – its community. It’s purpose. It’s feeling like being part of something bigger than you. Recruiting volunteers effectively takes practice and skill. In today’s issue of Changemaker Mondays ☀️ ☕ 🌍, I want to help you get…

Successful Social Impact leaders have one BIG thing in common

Successful Social Impact leaders have one BIG thing in common

Successful Social Impact leadershave one BIG thing in common Read time: 4 Minutes I’ve encountered hundreds of nonprofit and social enterprise leaders and founders. There’s always something about the founders and leaders that end up thriving a few years into their work. It’s not necessarily that they all had an innate charisma (though that doesn’t hurt). They weren’t all amazing public speakers or fundraisers (yet). No, they had something else. It was something they worked at consistently,…

Avoid these 7 mistakes I made starting a Nonprofit

Avoid these 7 mistakes I made starting a Nonprofit

Starting a nonprofit is a journey filled with passion and purpose, but it can also feel like navigating a maze of challenges and decisions. One lesson that stands out is the importance of fostering authentic relationships within your community. Beyond just raising funds or seeking volunteers, it’s about engaging with your supporters in meaningful ways that inspire loyalty and shared vision. By creating spaces for open dialogue and collaboration, you can cultivate a sense of belonging that transforms casual supporters into passionate advocates for your cause. This strong foundation not only enhances the impact of your initiatives but also builds a durable network of allies who are genuinely invested in your mission.

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