
Land Your First Nonprofit Grant in 3 Steps

Landing Your First Nonprofit Grant Read time: 3-4 Minutes I still remember my organization’s first grant, years ago. We got lucky with a $5,000 grant from a family foundation that saw our potential – and our passion. We were able to build on that momentum and grow from there. You always remember your first. 😁 Grants can be a game-changer for nonprofits, but trying to land your first one? That can feel daunting. If you’ve ever wondered — where do you even start? Or, what are funders really…

There’s a lot happening, changemaker. Feeling burned out? 👉Try this

Managing Burn Out in 10 Minutes Per Day Read time: 3-4 Minutes There’s a lot going on right now. I am hoping you are taking care of yourselves in the mix of it all. Burnout is an important topic to me – and I’ve been open about my own burnout struggles in the past. So! While the work we’re doing to improve our communities (and the world) won’t happen overnight… there are a few small things we have control over in our day-to-day lives. Let’s talk about it in this issue of Changemaker Mondays…

How to tell your Nonprofit’s Story in 3 sentences

Tell Your Nonprofit’s Story in Just 3 Sentences Read time: 3-4 Minutes It turns out that whole thing about the average human attention span clocking in at just 8 seconds was a hoax 😆. Still, when introducing new people to your cause, it’s important to grab their attention quickly, if you can. If you can create interest, intrigue, and emotion in a few sentences…Well, that’s the start of a great relationship with a future potential volunteer, donor, or ambassador! In this issue of Changemaker…

Land Your First Nonprofit Grant in 3 Steps

Land Your First Nonprofit Grant in 3 Steps

Landing Your First Nonprofit Grant Read time: 3-4 Minutes I still remember my organization’s first grant, years ago. We got lucky with a $5,000 grant from a family foundation that saw our potential – and our passion. We were able to build on that momentum and grow from there. You always remember your first. 😁 Grants can be a game-changer for nonprofits, but trying to land your first one? That can feel daunting. If you’ve ever wondered — where do you even start? Or, what are funders really…

There’s a lot happening, changemaker. Feeling burned out? 👉Try this

There’s a lot happening, changemaker. Feeling burned out? 👉Try this

Managing Burn Out in 10 Minutes Per Day Read time: 3-4 Minutes There’s a lot going on right now. I am hoping you are taking care of yourselves in the mix of it all. Burnout is an important topic to me – and I’ve been open about my own burnout struggles in the past. So! While the work we’re doing to improve our communities (and the world) won’t happen overnight… there are a few small things we have control over in our day-to-day lives. Let’s talk about it in this issue of Changemaker Mondays…

How to tell your Nonprofit’s Story in 3 sentences

Tell Your Nonprofit’s Story in Just 3 Sentences Read time: 3-4 Minutes It turns out that whole thing about the average human attention span clocking in at just 8 seconds was a hoax 😆. Still, when introducing new people to your cause, it’s important to grab their attention quickly, if you can. If you can create interest, intrigue, and emotion in a few sentences…Well, that’s the start of a great relationship with a future potential volunteer, donor, or ambassador! In this issue of Changemaker…

How to tell your Nonprofit’s Story in 3 sentences

How to tell your Nonprofit’s Story in 3 sentences

Tell Your Nonprofit’s Story in Just 3 Sentences Read time: 3-4 Minutes It turns out that whole thing about the average human attention span clocking in at just 8 seconds was a hoax 😆. Still, when introducing new people to your cause, it’s important to grab their attention quickly, if you can. If you can create interest, intrigue, and emotion in a few sentences…Well, that’s the start of a great relationship with a future potential volunteer, donor, or ambassador! In this issue of Changemaker…

Don’t fall for these common fundraising myths

Don’t fall for these common fundraising myths

Don’t fall for these fundraising myths. Read time: 4-5 Minutes Ohh boy, did I have some misunderstandings about how fundraising works when I started a nonprofit years ago. 😳 I quickly learned fundraising fact from fiction through my adventures. Talking to and learning from hundreds of other nonprofit and social impact leaders along the way helped, too. The truth is, there are some major, common misconceptions about fundraising that are holding us back from getting the funding we need to grow…

5 Creative Nonprofit Fundraiser Ideas for 2025

5 Creative Nonprofit Fundraiser Ideas for 2025

5 Creative Nonprofit Fundraiser Ideas Read time: 4-5 Minutes It’s an annual tradition! Every year I share some of the most creative fundraising ideas I see out there in the wild. The ideas are based on current trends in nonprofits and culture over all. This year, fundraising is changing. It’s about focusing on connection and community. The world needs a bit more of that right now. Let’s have a little fun with 5 nonprofit fundraiser ideas for 2025 in this issue of Changemaker Mondays ☀️ ☕ 🌍!…

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