
Tapping into these Recurring Revenue strategies yet?

Tapping into theseRecurring Revenue strategies yet? Read time: 5 Minutes The dream: Bring in consistent funding every month for your social impact organization – so you can focus on strategizing ways to make the biggest impact possible. Recurring revenue can provide a safety net, letting you budget and plan programming with confidence — but in my experience, many organizations aren’t taking full advantage of it. Yes, it takes some work to set up and grow. It’s not magic (or easy). But once…

8 places to find your future Board members

8 places to find your futureBoard members Read time: 5 Minutes Finding and recruiting skilled Board members is a challenge that plagues many nonprofits, and start-ups in particular. I’m often asked: “How do we know what types of skills we need on our Board?” “How can we showcase our awesome organization to Board candidates?” and the big one: “Where do we even LOOK for potential Board members?!” (By the way; all things we’ll be discussing in the Changemaker Accelerator membership, launching…

If I started a nonprofit (again), here’s how I’d do it differently

If I started a nonprofit (again),here’s how I’d do it differently. Read time: 5 Minutes A few years ago (as you probably know, since you’re reading this 🙂), I started a YouTube channel. My goal was simple: Help people who were starting or growing a nonprofit figure out how to do it faster, easier, and more effectively. It’s hard. I started a nonprofit in college. Over time, I figured out how to create a solid fundraising strategy, build an amazing team, and mobilize over 50,000 people in my…

Avoid these 7 mistakes I made starting a Nonprofit

Avoid these 7 mistakes I made starting a Nonprofit

Starting a nonprofit is a journey filled with passion and purpose, but it can also feel like navigating a maze of challenges and decisions. One lesson that stands out is the importance of fostering authentic relationships within your community. Beyond just raising funds or seeking volunteers, it’s about engaging with your supporters in meaningful ways that inspire loyalty and shared vision. By creating spaces for open dialogue and collaboration, you can cultivate a sense of belonging that transforms casual supporters into passionate advocates for your cause. This strong foundation not only enhances the impact of your initiatives but also builds a durable network of allies who are genuinely invested in your mission.

3 types of Partnerships that grow Social Impact and Funding

3 types of Partnerships that grow Social Impact and Funding

3 Types of Partnerships that growSocial Impact and Funding Read time: 4 Minutes What do a litter pick-up project and a nonprofit restaurant have in common? How did a food bank team up with a volunteer organization to combat political polarization? How did organizations pool their volunteer bases to maximize efficiency and donations? All around us are potential partners to amplify our social impact – if you know how to look for them. And if you’re especially creative, the right partnerships…

How Successful Nonprofits Fundraise

How Successful Nonprofits Fundraise

Imagine transforming your nonprofit dreams into reality with a fundraising strategy that resonates deeply with your mission and community. The journey of fundraising is not just about gathering resources; it’s about building authentic relationships and telling compelling stories that inspire generosity. By harnessing the power of your unique narrative and aligning it with the passions of your supporters, you can create an engaging experience that motivates individuals and organizations alike to invest in your cause. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to elevate your existing efforts, the key lies in understanding your strengths and the needs of your community, empowering you to craft a fundraising approach that not only sustains your mission but also fosters a movement of shared purpose and impact.

How to motivate your Staff, Board, and Volunteers to take action

How to motivate your Staff, Board, and Volunteers to take action

How to motivate your Staff, Board, Volunteers, etc. to take action Read time: 4-5 Minutes Picture this. Your nonprofit is about to launch a new program. You KNOW it’s going to make a huge difference. Help hundreds of people. You’re fired up, ready to get things going. But somehow your team just isn’t as excited about this new program as you are. 🙁 You can’t seem to get anyone motivated to take action, complete their tasks, or generally help you move the project forward. As a result, deadlines…

5 ways Nonprofits make money (hint: it’s not just grants)

5 ways Nonprofits make money (hint: it’s not just grants)

5 Ways Nonprofits Make Money(hint: It’s not just grants.) Read time: 4-5 Minutes Let’s face it: When most people think about nonprofit fundraising, donations and grants pop into their minds as the top (or even exclusive) ways nonprofits make money. It makes sense. These are the types or revenue we hear about most of the time in the news. The downside of this assumption is that a) nonprofit leaders who need to raise funds automatically gravitate towards these methods, even if they may not…

Starting a Nonprofit: 8 Must-Have Board of Directors Roles

Starting a Nonprofit: 8 Must-Have Board of Directors Roles

Starting a nonprofit? Understanding the essential roles of your Board of Directors can be a game-changer for your mission’s success; each member brings unique strengths that collectively fuel your impact, transforming passionate ideas into actionable strategies while navigating the complexities of organizational growth, funding opportunities, and community engagement.

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